Monday, October 5, 2015

Not By Sight

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7
    One of my greatest challenges in life is staying true to my own core beliefs. I admit it. Many people might say that means I am a hypocrite. If not always doing what I know is the right thing to do then I am indeed a hypocrite. I never quit “seeking” to do the right thing.
   One of my core beliefs is that we were called to trust God. By trusting God, I believe that means I still need to get up off of my face every day and work hard most every day. (We do get to rest at least one day each week.) I am to use the gifts the Lord gave me and those talents that I developed with His help, the help of a number of great influencers in my life, and through my own efforts. Even when we work hard and do it with great passion, life has a way of throwing sudden changes our way and circumstances that are beyond our control.
   Recently, I saw tragedy shorten a women’s life that from my perspective had so much life ahead of her. She had a loving husband, two children who adored her, and she was such a positive influence on those who knew her. Yet, she has gone on to the next life, the one we hope and pray to be eternal life. It takes faith to find good in such a loss. I once heard we should not be so focused on this life, but preparing ourselves for the next one. I admit it is hard for me to wrap my mind around what that means. I believe she is with our Lord in heaven. I know it in my heart and deep in my soul. There was a time when not knowing a loved one was with the Lord was very hard for me.
 What I have learned mostly about life, about God and about the life thereafter has come from what I undeniably believe to be God’s word in the Bible, the lessons I have learned from teachers and from my own searching and praying. Praying brought me significantly closer to God. When I get up early in the morning and pray for God’s presence in my life, I find that I am closer to the Lord. He becomes my Father in Heaven and on earth when I pray to him early and often. When I pray throughout the day and ask for His guidance, things happen in my life to assure me of His presence. When I seek Him, I see Him in other people, in the sunrise, and in the events that come together to make the days of my life.
 I know HOW to walk by faith. I walk by faith by asking God to be with me and then trusting Him to be by my side. I walk by faith by asking God to help me forgive someone when all I WANT to do is feel anger or worse. I walk by faith when I face difficult circumstances and ask God to comfort me. I walk by faith when I am faced with a life changing experience or a lot of uncertainty in my life and use prayer ALONG with my own logic to make wise decisions. It takes prayer and action for me to draw nearer to God. If you struggle to believe in God, ask Him to help you with your unbelief. If you struggle to love God or love your neighbors ask Him to help you love.
  I make mistakes in my life. Unfortunately at times, I still try to take matters totally in my own hands. In some ways, I believe I am a “prodigal son” way too often in my life. Fortunately, I do keep returning to WHAT I know to be true. We have a God who loves us so much He gave us His Son to forgive us for those mistakes called sin. He gave us a promise that we can know He will Keep. If we pay close attention to His word and we seek Him in prayer and in our lives, we will come to KNOW that He always keeps His promises.
   I am sorry that I have not always kept my promises. I am sorry that I have not always followed God’s word. If you are among those that I have ever done wrong that were hurt by it, I am sorry to you. I may not be able to SEE this truth, but I still know it to be true: If we repent and ask for God’s forgiveness, then He will forgive us. Forgive someone today. Forgive yourself. Like the truth, forgiving will set you free. Walk by faith my friends, not by sight. Amen.

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